Wednesday - Banff-MacDuff-India Garden
Plan to day was to visit Banff harbour. It was only a short walk from the hotel, and a quiet smallish harbour.
There was a wide sandy beach on which a few hardy people walked along, but is was too cold and drizzly for us.
Too early for lunch, so we drove across the river to neighbouring McDuff to look at the harbour and find a café for lunch.The wine list was short and poor, but service was friendly, competent and fast, so I had a glass of Chile Savvie with a delicious fish and chips.
Overlooking the hotel on a grassy promontory which can be seen also from Banff is a war memorial. On a warmer less windy day we would have gone up to it, but we got back to the car and drove into the countryside to find the farm that Joan's forebears had owned. It didn't take long. We drove past it a couple of times and then went back to the hotel.
We couldn't face another dinner in the hotel so went into Banff to have dinner at India Garden. Restaurant was packed out, good service and food but what made it exceptional was the wine.
The wine menu said Chianti with a name I didn't recognise, but we were served this stunner - for £16.95. We booked a table for the following evening.
We saw this chappie on the way back to the hotel...
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