Newhaven Fort

To Newhaven to visit its Fort. This was a 25 minute walk from the Premier Inn hotel. Sunday was chilly and drizzly but there was plenty of exhibits inside the fort and tunnels to walk down. We spent all day there.

The Fort was designed and built by twenty two year old Lieutenant John Charles Ardagh of the Royal Engineers,  started in 1862 and took ten years and six million bricks to complete. 

Ardagh bucked convention by making the first mass use of concrete in a military fortification, he designed a new type of counterweighted drawbridge that completely covered the entrance  (and was then adopted elsewhere includingthe Eastbourne Redoubt)  and the built into the contours of the land, rather than flattening the ground to building on top. 

WWII Gun Emplacement

This narrow tunnel was used to service lamps set into the wall on the left which shone through windows into the powder stores.
Dieppe Ferry enters Newhaven seen from Fort ramparts

Newhaven from the Fort


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