Starlight Showcase, Criccieth

To Memorial Hall, Criccieth, to see the Starlight Players summer performance, an entertaining variety show written by cast mainstay Kate Dunn titled Starlight Showcase. First half follows the occupants of 'Clearford' as they form an amateur dramatic group and try to discover the talents of Clearford's villagers through open auditions -- scope for lots of am-dram in-jokes. Second half was the show put on by 'Clearford Amateur Theatrical Society - CATS'. Standout in this show was new member Samuel Jolly, playing Clearford Arm's rake-thin bartender - "Do I look like I drink real ale?" - and CATS choreographer. Paul Dunn as Horace gave his usual solid performance and a very touching soliloquy. Great to be joined by Caroline, Stuart and Elliott for dinner in Dylan's before we all saw the show. Thanks to Dan and Krisie for show tickets. Cast on Starlight Showcase in the final number