Gaucho and Criterion with Dan and Krisie

Dan and Krisie stayed for a long weekend. On Sunday Dan showed the sights of London to Krisie. It was her first time in London and she'd never been on an escalator or tube train before. We met at Piccadilly Circus for an early dinner at Gaucho 's in Swallow Street before seeing The Comedy about a Bank Robbery at the Criterion theatre, Dan had booked second row stall seats so we had an excellent view. Tempted at Gaucho's by laden plates of Sunday Lunch topped by a huge Yorkshire Pudding still being served past 17:00 we all chose: ROASTED SIRLOIN OF BEEF The Gaucho Roast is served with roasted potatoes and a Yorkshire pudding cooked in beef dripping. Accompanied by carrots tossed in churrasco marinade and broccoli. Served with a red wine gravy .